Posted on December 3, 2020 by Chapter Staff
Originally Published in APTA Hawaii’s Monthly e-Newsletter – December 2020

Vision. Service. Kindness. Enthusiasm. Passion for the profession.

When asked what they remembered and appreciated about Gregg Pacilio during his six-year tenure as APTA Hawaii president, those words came up again and again. Gregg’s term ends on December 31, 2020 when President Elect Nick Bronowski takes over.

In a tribute to departing president’s at APTA’s Component President’s Luncheon in February 2020, APTA Board of Director’s member Bob Rowe said, “Gregg’s kindness, humility, and perseverance illustrate his Aloha Spirit. He uses these virtues, along with his gregarious nature, to encourage new leaders and leadership growth, as well as to provide ongoing and thoughtful recognition of volunteer contributions. He also uses his Aloha Spirit in his enthusiastic promotion of the profession.”

APTA Hawaii leader Ann Front says, “I vividly remember seeing Gregg at CSM the year he was elected.  What was running through my mind was something like: ‘What the heck! Board shorts and a skateboard at CSM?!!!’ Well, we are all so fortunate that this awesome human took on the job of president of the Hawaii chapter. What an amazing job he has done.”

Amanda Witko from Kapi‘olani  Community College remembers one of the times Gregg came to the college to talk with students.

“He always would find a way to bring enthusiasm to the profession. I remember him coming to speak to the PTA students at KCC about getting involved with APTA and then taking off his shirt to show everyone his AC joint separation. He got injured  while skateboarding. He explained what grade it was and how it is typically on the cusp of requiring surgery but with it still being functional he opted to not have surgery. He went on to explain that maybe it will make him better at certain things since he would have to focus on stabilizing and using the muscles around his scapula more. And it was such a great example for the students to see. He was the perfect example of how we can educate our patients. You may not absolutely need surgery with certain injuries and knowing that you can teach your patients the right skills and strengthening exercises to get them back to what they love – maybe with some modifications – is all about our profession!”

Former APTA Hawaii Treasurer Theresa Wiederoder says, “I appreciated Gregg’s leadership and enthusiasm regarding being a member of APTA as well as HAPTA. I remember being new to Hawaii and being invited to the Kauai PT get together and meeting this enthusiastic person, Gregg, who encouraged membership and friendship. Some of my favorite memories are of doing our slipper drives for the elementary schools and sitting with boxes of slippers surrounding us to be donated.  Gregg has always been open to supporting the board members of APTA Hawaii and always willing to help whenever needed.

Gregg’s legacy will include working with the producers of the “Cooking With Cutty” television show  to create an episode about the importance of safety when skateboarding and the role of a physical therapist in treating concussions. Also, the chapter contracted for executive management services for the first time during Gregg’s tenure.

Fortunately, Gregg will continue to stay involved as an APTA Hawaii volunteer leader as a member of the Nominating Committee. He will also probably have more time to spend with his family and on the skatepark projects through the Kaua‘i Skatepark Foundation.

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