Posted on July 1, 2016 by Chapter Staff
Originally Published in HAPTA’s e-Newsletter, What’s HAPTAnin’ – July 2016

Dear Members of HAPTA,

As you know physical therapy has evolved greatly over the last few decades.  As a profession we have developed and expanded our scope of practice.  We as therapists are allowed to expand our knowledge base to treat along a long spectrum including othropaedics, neurology, wound care, cardiopulmonary rehab and oncology to name a few. Treatment methods have evolved and our respect as health care providers consistently grows due to the hard work and support we put into each other and our profession.ncpta

As you may or may not know, our colleagues in North Carolina had a lawsuit filed against them by the North Carolina Acupuncture Licensing Board (NCALB) in an attempt to shut down dry needling by PTs in the state.  In response, the North Carolina Physical Therapy Association (NCPTA) filed an antitrust lawsuit against the NCALB. The lawsuit by the NCALB to stop dry needling has since been dismissed but the Chapter continues to pursue the antitrust lawsuit. Dry needling is just another useful tool that is evolving our practice.  As of now, only six states do not allow dry needling in their scope of practice. Hawaii is currently one of these states, mainly due to the language in our practice act against breaking intact skin.

As HAPTA’s current board of directors and committee chairs, we have come to the conclusion that it is our obligation and duty to support our colleagues in NCPTA with their lawsuit. If the NCPTA can win this lawsuit, it will set a federal precedent for dry needling at state levels, thus benefitting our state of Hawaii. One day we may find ourselves in a similar battle and we may need all the support we can get. As professionals we see it necessary to help our colleagues maintain their right to perform dry needling and provide the best quality care possible. We will support their battle with a small donation to help expand and promote our profession instead of letting it be restricted or demoted. Together we stand kupa’a, to encourage and support each other as physical therapy professionals, in order to help our patients in the most up-to-date and innovative ways and provide the best clinical care.  We also encourage you to support whatever you can, whatever amount, because every cent counts! If you wish to support NCPTA in their lawsuit, click here:

With Aloha, we thank you for your continued support on behalf of HAPTA.

Marco Adame
HAPTA Dry Needling Task Force Chair

To read more about the lawsuit please refer to the websites below